Floorcraft News

We regret to inform all our customers that this challenging retail environment has caught up to the Floorcraft Family. After 84 years we have made the difficult decision to close our business. We have done a reflection and analysis on how retail has changed drastically and how it will continue to affect us in the future. Our business is not immune to changing shopping and buying habits. Being able to sustain in a healthy way is no longer viable for Floorcraft. We do not see a path forward to provide the products, service, and support we are known for.

Floorcraft is working very hard to take a responsible approach to winding down because we have great respect for our customers, vendors, and staff. Additionally, it is time for some of us to retire and find new paths. We have been fortunate to have made lasting customer and vendors relationships. We will miss you all deeply.

Your business is greatly appreciated. Do know we will be here as we wind down and finish our commitments and sell off our inventory at tremendous bargains as best as we can. We will remain open for retail traffic through 1/31/2024. We are working diligently to have all in progress orders completed or scheduled by 1/31/2024.


The Floorcraft Family

PLEASE NOTE: You can email orders@floorcrafthome.com or call 415-824-4056.